Tax Tools

Use our quick tax estimator to get a total tax liability taking into account income and expenses





total tax liability


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Incredibly useful with unique features allow you to quickly check your taxes!

Try them yourself, click here

These tax calculators provide all of the following features completely FREE:

  • Income Tax Calculator

    Includes Salary, PAYE, CIS, Student Loan, Tax Codes, Pension Contributions, Married Couples Allowances, Graphs of Income Tax Changes.

    The calculator will notify you of any tax refunds available and if your tax codes are possibly incorrect.

  • Net to Gross Tax Calculator

    Calculate in reverse, enter the required chosen income and find out how much you need to earn before tax.

  • Corporation Tax Calculator

    Includes Small Rate, Main Rate and Calculates Marginal Reliefs.

  • Dividend Tax Calculator

    Just enter the NET dividend amount.

  • Compare Tax on Two Income Sources Calculator

    Check the income across two sources to make sure you are not overpaying tax on either.

  • Dividend v Salary Calculator

    Which is more tax efficient? Find out quickly with only your gross profit figure!

  • Custom Tax Calculator

    Make up your own tax rates, bands and allowances.

  • Capital Gains Tax Calculator

    Add as many asset disposals as you like to this calculator and it will give you an accurate capital gains tax liability before any reliefs are applied.

    For 2010/2011 the tax rates and calculation method changed for Capital Gains from 23rd June 2010. This calculator will be able to check the tax for asset disposals both before and after this date! Remember, the figures you obtain from this calculator are just an illustration and don't include any reliefs and possibly some costs that you will be able to claim.

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