Changes to State Pension Age Under Pensions Act 2011

Changes to State Pension Age Under Pensions Act 2011

November 4th 2011 7:39 pm


The Pensions Bill 2011 received Royal Asset yesterday - 3rd November 2011. The Act puts into law changes to the State Pen ...


The Pensions Bill 2011 received Royal Asset yesterday - 3rd November 2011. The Act puts into law changes to the State Pension age timetable. From April 2016, women's State Pension age will rise faster than originally planned, equalising with men's at 65 by November 2018. Between December 2018 and October 2020, men and women's State Pension ages will be increased from 65 to 66. Try the State Pension Age calculator to see how you are affected. It is currently the only calculator on the internet which reflects these changes.

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